Savings Calculator

Update the field in red to reflect your organizaton's needs, and see the savings of using Clinical Supervision Now in green below. It's that simple.

  • Supervisees
    Supervision Requirements
    Select Number of Supervisees
    Weekly Individual Session Hours
    (1 Hour per Supervisee per Week)
    Select Supervisory Setting
    Weekly Group Session Hours
    (2 Hours per group of 8 Supervisees per Week)
    Select Supervisory Location
    Total Hours per Week
    Year-End / Introductory Rate  
      Hours per Year
    Savings $100,825
  • Clinical Supervision Now
    (Includes all fees, taxes, etc.)
    Your Own
    Clinical Supervisor
    Cost for Weekly Individual Sessions Annual Salary Select Annual Salary
    $128 Company Paid Taxes  
    Cost for Weekly Group Sessions
    Federal Social Security (6.2%) $4,960
    $204 Federal Medicare (1.45%) $1,160
      Federal FUTA (0.6%) $480
    Total Weekly Cost
    CA Unemployment Insurance (3.4%) $2,720
    $332 CA Employment Training (0.1%) $80
      Health Benefits $10,800
      Computers, Telecom $1,200
      Recruiting/Staffing Fee (20%) $16,000
    Total Annual Cost    
    $16,575 Total Annual Year One Fee $117,400
    Savings $100,825

Clinical Supervision Now can help you save money while immediately staffing a supervisory position with an experienced professional, with our benefits highlighted below.

Topic Clinical Supervision Now Your Own Clinical Supervisor
Availability Immediate. Able to cover for a sick or departed supervisor. Often requires two to six months to locate and hire an appropriate supervisor.
Required Training None. We help your team upon walking in the door. May require weeks or months to become fully productive.
Additional Benefits Impart process streamlining techniques and supervisory best practices. Depends upon the skills of the hired individual.

If you have questions about our services, benefits or our calculator, please contact us. We would be delighted to discuss your particular needs.